CORA is an acronym for Context Ordered Replacement Algorithm.

CORA is ideally suited to the Cloud.

Most of us are uncomfortable with having our valuable data stored somewhere in never-never-land.

  1. Not knowing "where" our data is.
  2. Having to trust the company storing our data.
  3. Trusting numerous employees who have access to our data on someone else's server.
  4. Risking cyber attacks from unscrupulous brainiacs.
  5. Once it is online, it is somewhere forever.

With CORA, we don't have to trust anyone with our data!


CORA-X is standalone program that can be installed on your computer and will lock/unlock your files/folders in a MS Windows environment.

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CORA-X is built with the following in mind:

  • Your data should never be entrusted to any "one" organization/company!
  • Your security shouldn't be dependant on employees, CEOs, project managers, or sales people!
  • Your information should be impervious to those who don't value your security – online – or offline! will house a mobile and computer based app that will allow you to:

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  • Send text based messages
  • Send picturs and graphics
  • Maintain absolute control over the viability of your content when shared with other.
  • It has often been said: "What you post online will be forever, in the Cloud" - somewhere. goCORA will change this, you may shut down "your content" whenever you like!
  • A premium service will be available for organizations that want to protect their creative and/or intellectual property. For example, a film producer may send a movie or film to select viewers, with the ability to "shut it down" instantly and permanently should one of those copies be pirated.

Stay tuned...

CORAcsi is CORA Cyber Security Inc. and are owned and operated by CORA Cyber Security Inc. (CORAcsi), a Canadian Private Corporation operating out of Windsor, Ontario Canada.

Originally CORA was designed and developed as a sole proprietorship Windsor, Ontario. The author of CORA who is the Director and President of CORAcsi has enjoyed a vast array of professional experiences spanning Physics, law enforcement and teaching.

CORA formally began in 2008 as a desire and inspiration to protect Mr. Latouf's personal data and software in a manner that was superior to encryption, which has been known for over a decade to be limited and breakable.

Since 2008 generation 1 of CORA has seen many revisions to insure its success at providing unbreakable data security, while consuming vast amounts of time and resources from those who try to break it.

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As a provincial constable with the Ontario Provincial Police, Latouf experienced camaraderie and team building that was extraordinary!
Some years ago, Latouf was discussing technology with friends and associates (United States and Canada) who have risen through the ranks. During these talks the following topics were tabled:

  1. Cyber crime is costing us billions of dollars a year. (as of 2015 the figure is in excess of $400 billion/year)
  2. Breaches of confidentiality and server security is escalating at an alarming rate, and only a small fraction of these are in the media's viewfinder.
  3. Many organizations are concerned about "the Cloud"; they are uncomfortable with their "data" being "somewhere", with "someone" that is not directly accountable.
  4. Traditionally corporations and institutions are used to the idea that "security" and "safety" involve "hands on control". Build a better safe/server (on premise) and control access to it (keep the keys safe).
  5. This traditional approach using keys, and encryption, isn't working; it is costing us hundreds of billions yearly.

CORA is the answer. Unlike traditional approaches that envision a single safe that can be controlled by conventional wisdom, CORA becomes more secure using a distributed environment like "the Cloud". CORA does not use a decentralized system, but rather, a centralized control capability that allows for the shutting down of the readable data if a single breach occurs.

Ideally, corporations will maintain their own data centre, holding 1 or 2 CORA blocs at their facility, while distributing other CORA blocs throughout the Cloud.
Then, if their data centre is breached, and a CORA package stolen, the thieves will not have any usable data!

CORAcsi is dedicated to Unbreakable Data Security.

When implementing a Cloud Based, Enterprise level solution, this Unbreakable Data Security can be Guaranteed.